Climate notes for August 2024
I note in one of the tabs below a plan to cool the earth through geohacking. The plan roughly outlines the notion that we could kick particles into the air, much like a volcano would, in order to reflect light back out of the atmosphere.
Without understanding everything being proposed, it could seem like a plausible way to mitigate the damage being done. But on the other hand, as climate change has shown so drastically over the last decade or two, there are unforeseen consequences when humans meddle in such delicately balanced ecological affairs. And native tribes are being quoted in the linked article as raising concerns. Which is a nice scapegoat-ish way of avoid the hard truth. Which is that the only way to mitigate climate change is to dramatically shift our usage of fossil fuels, change energy consumption and stop the rabid obsession with energy-intensive economic mumbo-jumbo like crypto or AI in lieu of actually solving real human problems.
- Google is no longer claiming to be carbon neutral
- Hydro powered air taxi has successful maiden voyage
- Greece hit with intense heat
- If Dublin's transport plan objection were submitted by a student, I would fail it. Per last months' rant.
- Carbon capture needs to evolve
- Solarpunk's vision for a sustainable world
- The wild health crisis facing a Texas bitcoin mining town
- Global temps graph
- Billionaires are the real existential risk
- Reef rocket. Bio-concrete, kinda!
- Stop jailing truth-seekers
- Climate policy is more popular than you think
- Florida reports first species loss due to rising sea
- CA report on battery storage
- AI is already a climate diaster
- The path to cleaner roads and ethical batteries
- Tea tasted worse as a result of storm Ciaran
- US pickup trucks are infecting EU roads. These things are grotesque.
- What it's like to live in record-breaking temps
- Transport plan approved. Per my massive rant last month.
- One farm saves 40m kg's of fruit & veg. Imperfect fruit & veg needs to be sold properly.
- Capitalism's plagues.... heat
- Danielle Smith: The loss of Jasper is tragic, but we can all take comfort in how much money the oil industry is still making
- China is installing the wind and solar equivalent of five large nuclear power stations per week
- One of earth's major carbon sinks collapsed last year
- Growing interest in a mad plan to cool the earth
- Molten thorium salt for nuclear plant
- Dublin suburb low-cost low-carbon heating solution. Another missed opportunity in the emerald isle.
- Ambitious rail plan. Ireland going big with the pre-election promises.
- The rapid rise of new ecosystems as glaciers retreat and ice sheets melt
- DIY solar in Germany
- Wind & solar supply 30% of EU power
- Stark NASA video shows co2 spewing from USA
- Air NZ pulls 2030 carbon plan. At least they're honest ?