4 notes tagged with "Climate"

National broadcaster mis-informs public on climate

It seems this week has been a hell of a week for RTE, Ireland's national broadcaster. Who, on several occasions through various mediums and…

Tagged with: #Climate

Published on 2 years ago

Receipts for gifs are killing the climate

Crypto has spent about 10 years fighting for legitimacy in some form or another. Bros pretending they've figured out decentralisation of…

Tagged with: #Climate

Published on 2 years ago

Data centres

Oh boy, data centres. The current economic structures that are foretold job creators, regional benefactors and key tech pillars. Let's get…

Tagged with: #Climate

Published on 2 years ago

Storm Debi

As I type this, Storm Debi is battering Ireland with gusts up to 95kph. The regional meteorological office (Met Eireann) has issued an…

Tagged with: #Climate

Published on 8 months ago

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